Schools-Universities & Colleges Academic Executives of Oak Lawn-hometown District Ofc
Administrator, Art Fessler Business classifications
SIC (US 1987) : Oak Lawn-Hometown District 123 contains 6 schools, which include Pre K through 8th grade. The district office is located at 4201 W. 93rd Street in Oak Lawn, Illinois. District 123 has an annual operating budget of approximately $36 million dollars and employs approximately 450 full and part time employees.
Oak Lawn-Hometown School District 123 has a long and rich tradition of excellent academic programming, high expectations, and a commitment to meeting the needs of the whole child.
Some of the highlights of our K-5 program include full day kindergarten, a successful balanced literacy model, daily PE, art, music, instrumental music, and an array of technology resources including a successful one-to-one digital initiative. At Oak Lawn-Hometown Middle School, an excellent core program is supplemented by a number of encore offerings that include foreign language, communication arts, and technology coursework.
A significant number of extracurricular opportunities are also made available to students. Three
Don't forget that the most detailed information about Oak Lawn-hometown District Ofc. in Oak Lawn you can always get on the official web-site, in the company's office or by calling by phone ↓
Established in: 1902
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